Sunday, May 31, 2009

Chart control by Microsoft.

This charting control came across as one of those cutting edge releases. At first glance, I was so damn impressed by the control that I just cannot put in to words. It has no documentation but a project with 200 examples! Everything is so well laid out that person with common sense can start building magnificent charts in a matter of seconds! Every aspect of the control seems to be so nicely deliberated upon that they left no chance of improvement. Even the default options are so wholesome that you won't need to add to them by your own. Impressed, impressed, impressed!!!
But then, I was struck with past. Microsoft, no matter how great tech they've come out with, the front-line things are always 'inspired' by the third party tools/research/products. When we were searching for charting solution, we came across screenshots of a charting control by Infragistics. It was not a surprise to me that same charts could be reproduced in Microsoft's control quite easily.
Microsoft is going to come out with its 'Surface' soon. I don't think many would know that it's work of a research student in one of the Human Interaction labs of a university in US. I am unable to recall the details - the name of the student or his university because I saw his demonstration on Youtube. So when saw announcement of 'Surface' coming out soon, I just... smiled.
Impressed I am with Microsoft, just that this impression is to do with their marketing department only.

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